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The Second Update of Christmas

The Second Update of Christmas published on


Well, if you’re reading this, then obviously I was right and you AREN’T too lazy to click a redirect link. Yes, Power Rings is now being hosted on my domain’s main page. I decided to make the move after realizing that hell, Power Rings is the only thing I update regularly here. So that being the case, welcome, Power Rings, to your new home.

The nav bar on the side of the page has also been changed, to incorporate two new links, including the return of the Forum link, and a link to my own personal space. All my personal stuff that used to be on this main page is now there. I have also attempted to pretty up the site even more, fixing up all the pages, and adding some visuals like the snazzy new favicon.

But since you all didn’t come here to listen to me talk, check out today’s comic. See you on the flip side!