Team Spoof

Team Spoof published on

G30FF And thus, our two week spoof of Sonic Heroes begins. In case you’re wondering, our team consists of the following: Kamal – Speed G30FF – Flying Gear – Power Stay tuned for some of the most tasteless humor we’ve ever foisted upon you. You won’t be disappointed.

American Workmanship

American Workmanship published on

Kamal I’ve always hated Rail Canyon. If you think that’s bad you should have seen what happened on Bingo Highway. After tumbling over and over for a few kilometers, well, I hope Robotnik’s eggbots come with a mop attachment. Or probably a hose. G30FF Speaking of which, don’t ask Gear to aim a cannon.

Graphic Conclusion

Graphic Conclusion published on

G30FF If that ending surprised or disturbed you, then our work is done and we can rest knowing we’ve done our part to make the world a dirtier place to live in. And hey, be glad we didn’t have Super Kamal fighting Metal Overlord. Even WE wouldn’t sink that low. And that does it for… Continue reading Graphic Conclusion