Mind Your Language

Mind Your Language published on

Kamal Upon revelation of a particular line of dialouge in BioWare’s forthcoming Sonic game, the tubes were crammed with apoplectic Amy fans, frothing at the mouth over her use of what they termed as swear words. When did insults become equated with cussing? Maybe it’s just me–I barely consider “ass” something worth getting worked up… Continue reading Mind Your Language

Bait and Switch

Bait and Switch published on

G30FF When one door closes, another door opens. And for Sonic, those doors tend to lead to epic dickery. So what horrible fate is in store for Knuckles now that Sonic has a horrible plan? The answers coming… later, because this arc is done. Ha! You’ll notice we didn’t change Cream back. That’s right, folks,… Continue reading Bait and Switch