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Filler comics

Secret Wishes

Secret Wishes published on


Kamal thinks he’s coming down with something at the moment. He’s not sure what, but he’s hoping to find out by monday. We’ll be doing our best to get a regular update for Saturday, but for now, here’s a quick joke to tie you over.

I think this strip speaks for itself, really… See you Saturday!

Caption a-Go-Go

Caption a-Go-Go published on


One more piece of filler for you. Regular comic back on Tuesday, as Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving.

The other day we got an email from Tracy Yardley, the penciller for the Archie Sonic comic. He offered us some filler, sending us a picture he drew earlier and suggested we could give it a funny caption.

Naturally, we decided to rise to the challenge.

Artwork, of course, done by Tracy Yardley! You can find the full image at his DeviantArt page. Thanks for your support!

Monday Update:

Caption updated.

Sonic X, We Hardly Knew Ye…

Sonic X, We Hardly Knew Ye… published on


The Sonic X comic is coming to an end. Now before you start to celebrate or mourn, depending on your feelings towards the series, you should know that it’s not going away entirely.

Taking its place is a new series called Sonic Universe, that will be a series of stories covering all of the different versions of the Sonic continuity. Only time will tell whether this idea turns out to be a success.

And this is only filler again, folks, sorry. Kamal and I are hard at work on the next story arc, and we think it’s going to be a doozy.

Free To A Good Home…

Free To A Good Home… published on


Today’s filler courtesey of Avencri, of The Eye of Ramalach! Thanks, man!

You know, Chaos Emeralds are the most common objects in the world, if recent Sonic games are to be believed. Hell, Shadow found two in the first stage of his game, and one of them was in the middle of the street. You can’t go five feet in a Sonic game without tripping over one.


CAPCOOOOM!! published on


Just some filler today. Regular update on Thursday!

I am a Mega Man fanatic. So when I first heard about Mega Man 9 for WiiWare/PSN/XBLA, I was stoked. I’ve played through all of the original series, the X series, the Zero series, the ZX series, and the Legends series. For those who don’t know, Mega Man 9 attempts to emulate the original NES games in terms of visuals, sound, and gameplay. In terms of gameplay, Capcom reps came out and said that the game was going to be hard. Like, Mega Man 2 hard.

They were not kidding.

Mega Man 9 is UNFORGIVING. The first 8 stages are tough, and the final stages kick it up a notch for some extra brutality. The only saving grace in the game is the fact that it actually has E tanks. That aside, it was tremendous fun, and worth every Wii Point I spent on it. Most of the time I actually forgot I wasn’t playing an NES game. If you’re a Mega Man fan, you owe it to yourself to play it.

On a side note, I would have liked to use an actual screenshot of the actual Game Over screen, but that’s the problem with doing a strip about a game that’s just come out. But don’t worry. If you play it, you’ll see that screen plenty of times yourself.

Ladies and Gentlemen…

Ladies and Gentlemen… published on


In regards to Sonic wielding a sword for Sonic and the Black Knight… I called it. I don’t know whether to be proud, or to be very, very afraid.

Filler only, regular comic should resume Thursday. And as I am going on vacation today and leaving the site in Kamal’s care, ask him if we miss anything.

Where’s Batman When You Need Him?

Where’s Batman When You Need Him? published on


Today, Gear and I went to see The Dark Knight. Holy shit, is it ever good. You need to see this movie. I mean it. Go. Do it.

If you already have, or need something else to watch, here’s the new Sonic Unleashed trailer again, complete with werehog gameplay footage.

Back on Monday.

On a side note… Sega, what the fuck?