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The Proposition

The Proposition published on


You know, I always wondered about Vanilla. I mean seriously, just who the hell IS Cream’s father? We here at Power Rings have a suspicion about Gear, but naturally he denies anything.

Anyway, enjoy Vanilla being the horny mom. And if you think this is bad, don’t read Friday’s comic.

Actually, I dare you to read it. Go ahead, what are you, chicken?

What Is The Deal With Web Comics?

What Is The Deal With Web Comics? published on


This actually came about because of some random thing I said while we were all watching TV and reading stuff in my room. When we realized how close to Seinfeld we were becoming. Thank goodness we did something about it.

If it’s not funny yet, imagine Knuckles overweight with a postman’s outfit. And if that doesn’t do it for you, I’m sorry, you just don’t have a sense of humor.

Oh, the directions we could have taken this gag… It’s a good thing that all four of us hate Seinfeld.

Comic Number 13

Comic Number 13 published on


There WAS supposed to be a real comic number 13 today. There really was. But as you can see, in trying to build it, we sorta crashed reality. That’s what the universe gets for running on Windows.

Some geeky tidbits, that stuff in Kamal’s display is a conversation between him and I over MSN. And I was originally supposed to be in Gear’s place for this comic. Damn him.

Seriously though, tune in Monday. You’ll be glad you did.

Yes. Although G30FF was supposed to be in this comic, it was found through extensive consumer focus groups I conducted in my head, that people prefer cute and fuzzy to angry blue toasters. So, I may be damned but everybody likes me that way.

Moving On

Moving On published on


In case you’re wondering or are interested, Kamal had to custom bulid that background from several other backgrounds. Game designers these days just don’t make enough good arctic craters.

For those of you who wondered where the heck Ash came from all of a sudden in issue 134, this would seem to explain it. I apologize to all Mina Mongoose enthusiasts on behalf of my compatriots. I apologize for not making more tasteless jokes at her expense.

But don’t worry. We’ll soon fix that.